What computers are good at is analyzing enormous amounts of data fast. AI technologies allow procurement teams to utilize their massive quantities of data to find trends, insights, obstacles, demand patterns, and disruptions faster. This nuanced and granular approach of data analysis means these teams can function as strategic levers in the manufacturing process, far exceeding traditional cost, quality, and delivery metrics. 1
Canadian manufacturers face growing pressures due to tariffs, rising inflation, unpredictable supply chains, and evolving customer demands. In this climate, procurement teams can use AI to mitigate costs, secure materials, and adapt to market changes. AI driven procurement strategies are emerging as powerful tools to address these challenges, helping teams make data driven solutions faster and more efficiently.
Inflation & Tariffs: Staying Ahead of Cost Fluctuations With AI
“AI’s power lies in its versatility. Decision-makers can adopt a generative, deep learning or natural language processing model to meet facility-specific needs. Depending on what they select and how they integrate it, they can address supplier management, contracting, ordering, or invoicing pain points.” 2 Furthermore, AI can analyze historical trade data, market trends, and tariff regulations to help procurement teams predict and prepare for cost fluctuations giving the team time to source alternative solutions potentially avoiding costly delays and last-minute adjustments.
Canadian large and small business owners are turning to AI integrations to help mitigate rising inflation and tariffs. “In the first quarter of 2024, 28.5% of large companies were actively using this technology or had plans to use it soon. As expected, just 12.3% of small businesses — those with four or fewer employees — felt the same way” 2– likely due to the cost of the integration.
Supply Chain Disruptions: AI Powered Risk Mitigation
With the increasing unpredictability of global supply chains due to natural disasters and geo-political tensions, companies have turned to AI tools for help when faced with significant disruption to their supply chains.1 By monitoring the status of suppliers and predicting risks in real-time, AI tools enhance visibility and simulate supply chain scenarios by processing large datasets with deeper insights and a higher level of granularity 3,4,5. Doing so identifies alternative suppliers, vulnerable regions, and captures the best response for mitigating unexpected disruptions.
Shifting Market Demands: Meeting Customer Expectations with AI Tools
Market demand is becoming more dynamic, with customers expecting faster delivery and more personalized products. AI tools help procurement teams by analyzing sales forecasts, market trends, and customer preferences. This enables teams to source materials in line with shifting demands while minimizing overstock or shortages. 5 Since AI can rapidly process data and uncover hidden patterns, it can easily analyze market trends. Manufacturers can use this to identify opportunities in Canada or internationally, helping them succeed in competitive markets.
AI-driven procurement strategies can be a game changer for Canadian manufacturing. “AI’s power lies in its versatility. Decision-makers can adopt a generative, deep learning or natural language processing model to meet facility-specific needs. Depending on what they select and how they integrate it, they can address supplier management, contracting, ordering, or invoicing pain points.” 2
AI’s ability to analyze vast datasets in real-time, predict market trends, and optimize sourcing strategies makes it a compelling tool for procurement teams and manufacturing engineers.4 As more companies embrace AI-driven tools, procurement processes will become more agile, responsive, and resilient in the face of global challenges – the qualification being that sufficient resources and thought are allocated to scaling and incorporating AI into the organization. 1
By embracing AI solutions, companies in the Canadian manufacturing sector can mitigate the risks of inflation, tariffs, supply chain disruptions, and the shifts in market demand. Canadian manufacturers already leveraging AI procurement are gaining a competitive advantage and innovating in an increasingly complex marketplace.
- https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/operations/our-insights/revolutionizing-procurement-leveraging-data-and-ai-for-strategic-advantage
- Leveraging AI for smarter procurement decisions in manufacturing – Canadian Manufacturing Canadian Manufacturing
- https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/operations/our-insights/use-procurements-data-to-power-your-performance
- https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/metals-and-mining/our-insights/succeeding-in-the-ai-supply-chain-revolution
- https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/industry/manufacturing/global-supply-chain-resilience-amid-disruptions.html
- https://www.gartner.com/smarterwithgartner/improve-the-supply-chain-with-advanced-analytics-and-ai